Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wind vs. Coal

Wind power contributes approximately 2% of total electricity in the province of Saskatchewan.

This is SunBridge wind power project at Gull Lake in South-Western part of Saskatchewan. The most efficient wind turbine typically generates only during 30% of the time. This particular location was chosen to take advantage of its strong and reliable winds. There are 17 turbines which are spread over 16 square kilometers to maximize exposure to these winds. Each turbine has a physical footprint of approximately 13 square meters.   
Wind is formed mostly by uneven heating of the Earth atmosphere. Wind turbine captures the kinetic energy available from the wind and converts it into electrical power.Wind power provides electricity without producing air or water emissions. Wind energy also helps conserve other natural resources such as coal, oil and natural gas. The wind power is a renewable source of energy because the wind and electricity it generates are constantly replenished by nature.   
The facility produces about 40 million kWh per year, enough to supply 5,000 households. It however is supplied mostly to the government buildings thanks to the 10-year government commitment to support "green" energy. 

  Each turbine:
- operates with wind speeds between 15 km/h and 90 km/h
- is mounted on a 65-meter tubular tower;
- has three-rotor blades making a total rotor diameter of 47 meters;
- has blades that tilt to an optimal angle to maximize the capture of wind energy;
- is rated to produce 660 kW of electricity;
- is designed to last 20 years. 


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